Here is the continuation of the common words of German 051-085. This all words can help you easily to identify the products or items that you needed for cooking whenever you shop in the Supermarket. Fastest and easy for you to shop well. Learning with all of this words are very so cool and enjoyable too because words are easy to remember. Have fun, all this are best for a beginner's like you. The following words below are the Poultry or Geflügel in German and some also are the Seafoods and Meat or Fleisch in German that we shop mostly and eat daily.
052. Cheshire Chesterkäse
053. Turkey Truthahn
054. Goose Gans
055. Partridge Rebhuhn
056. Pheasant Fasan
057. Chicken Hänchen
058. Duck Ente
059. Crabs Krebs
060. Clams Venusmuscheln
061. Ham Schinken
062. Liver sausage Leberwurst
063. Mussels Muscheln
064. Lobster Hummer
065. Oysters Austern
066. Sardines Sardinen
067. Smoked salmon Räucherlachs
068. Shrimp/prawn Garnelen
069. Cockles Herzmuscheln
070. Squid Tintenfisch
071. Tuna Thunfisch
072. Trout Forelle
073. Salmon Lachs
074. Eel Aal
075. Mackerel Makrele
076. Cod Kabeljau
077. Perch Barsch
078. Sole Seezunge
079. Plaice Scholle
080. Herring Hering
081. Haddock Schellfisch
082. Kipper Räucherhering
083. Beef Rindfleisch
084. Pork Schweinefleisch
085. Lam Lamm